Process Safety – Valve Interlocks

SFC Valve Interlocks

Smith Flow Control (SFC) Valve Interlocks are used to ensure your operators follow correct manual valve processes. They are mounted onto your individual valves. The risk of human error is removed by determining which valves are operated and at what stage of a process. They are available as quarter-turn (QL for lever operated valves) or multi-turn (GL for wheel operated valves).

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Netherlocks Valve Interlocks

Netherlocks (NL) Valve Interlocks are used to ensure your operators follow correct manual valve processes. They are mounted onto your individual valves. The risk of human error is removed by determining which valves are operated and at what stage of a process. They are available as quarter-turn (NDL for lever operated valves) or multi-turn (MRL for wheel operated valves).

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Key Management Systems

By using Key Management, you can make quicker and smarter decisions. From ensuring right first- time valve operations by determining the release of interlock keys, to more informed decisions by integrating plant-wide digital information, you gain a better overview of plant activity and your potential exposure to risk. You reduce keys going missing – essential for your valve operations.

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Valve Monitoring

Valve Position Indicator

VPI gives you real-time feedback to your control room from your manual valves. Using position feedback, you can make smart business decisions to optimize efficiency. It also provides your field operators with a notification that a valve has reached a certain position. Each VPI is mounted on to a valve: when valves have reached their full stroke, a signal is sent to your DCS. From this, you can determine what to do next, ensuring right first-time operations and that your valves are lined up correctly.

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Faith Partial Stroke

The FAITH Partial Stroke is a mechanical device for partial stroke testing of critical service valves, such as emergency shutdown valves (ESD), while the valves are flowing process fluids and full stroke valve testing is not practical. In test mode, FAITH partial stroke mechanically blocks valve movement for a safe test with reliable results.

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Smart Valve Operation

Sofis Smith Interlocks

You can minimise your safety risks, by using Sofis Smith interlocks. You reduce human error, by using interlocks to guarantee your operators follow the correct steps through a key transfer principle. Your manual valve operations take place in a safe sequence – There are no short-cuts. The transfer of uniquely coded, linear keys from valve to valve, compel your operators to follow the correct process steps. You create a safer working environment for your team of operators and those that work with them. Downtime is reduced and your plant runs smoothly. Global operating companies like Shell, BP and Bechtel nominate SFC valve interlocks across their plants.

Sofis Netherlocks Interlocks

When you choose Netherlocks Valve Interlocks, you eliminate human error. Using interlocks, you only allow the correct valve to be opened or closed in the correct sequence. You guide your operators every step of the way – there is no bypassing the system. Your valves are operated using a linear key, taking your operators through a specific process, following a predefined sequence, with unique keys for each step. Netherlocks Valve Interlocks are used as an industry standard by renowned companies like Total, BP, ADCO and Shell to create a safer working environment.

Key management systems detect and record insertion and removal of interlock keys in one central place. Increase productivity and provide safer operations.

Gain valuable insight in interlock usage – Valve interlocks improve process safety, but challenges may arise through poor use of interlocks and limited operational knowledge. Time taken searching for missing keys or taking the wrong one in to the field, can cause considerable delays. Additionally, in using mechanical interlocks alone, you cannot make use of all the data driven insights, with plants becoming more technologically driven.

EasiDrive portable actuator

A lightweight portable actuator which you can easily carry in to the field costs by saving on actuator capex.

Full actuation of all your manual valves – Reduce investment

With EasiDrive, you easily handle hard to operate and time-consuming valves without expensive actuators. Equip your valves with mounting kits, carry your tool in to the field and operate your valves with ease.

Power Wrench portable actuator

Pneumatic valve wrench with universal coupling plates. Reduce effort, improve efficiency and minimize downtime during plant stops and maintenance.

Speed-up manual valve operation without hurting your back

The Power Wrench portable actuator reduces valve operating time by up to 80% and improves efficiency when operating manual valves. Install the drive plate with u-bolts, connect the Power Wrench portable actuator to an air supply and you are ready to go!

Drive Systems – Portable Valve Actuators and Remote Valve Operators

EasiDrive Portable Actuator

Using EasiDrive Portable Valve Actuator, you can easily open and close hard to operate manual valves. It cuts the time your operators spend working valves as they are now operated within minutes. Each valve is fitted with a low cost, permanent mounting kit, designed to protect your operators from any potential reaction force – reducing injury risk. Your operator simply moves from valve to valve, with one portable tool. So significant, Shell’s Human Factors Engineering Specifications refer portable valve actuation for manual operations.

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Power Wrench Portable Actuator

Using Power Wrench Portable Valve Actuator, you speed up valve operation and improve efficiency of your manually operated valves. Power Wrench is connected to a valve with a simple to install universal drive plate. This makes it a good choice for incidental manual valve operations. Carrying the tool to valves, your operator can open or close a valve within minutes. Fatigue is lowered and the risk of injury is removed. Human Factors Engineering Specifications recommend portable valve actuation for manual valve operations.

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FlexiDrive Remote Operator

Using FlexiDrive Remote Valve Operator, you can operate hard to reach manual valves from a safe distance: it is ideal for valves that are above, below, immersed or in tight and confined spaces. The operator station allows your operators to safely open and close a valve by use of a handwheel. Torque is transmitted along a cable, which drives the valve. Remote valve operators are recommended in Human Factors Engineering Specifications as a means of providing safe manual operation across your difficult to access valves.

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